Client: Somersby Cider
Event: Polo in the City, Brisbane
Brief: Capture the mood of the day, attendees enjoying the event with Somersby’s products, the on field action and Somersby’s VIP guests
LP Staff: Single Photographer
Equipment: Four Canon Cameras, two set up for socials and general event coverage and two Eos 1’s with super telephotos for capturing sporting action on the field.
Special request: On site processing and delivery required to allow social media influencers present as VIP guests to have a range of shots to issue of themselves and the event immediately to various social media outlets.
Event photography is an area of our business I love.
While we are a Brisbane corporate and commercial photography business we are lucky enough to have clients that would prefer to fly us to their events across Australia than risk using photographers they don’t know or have no experience working with.
Having such a varied client list means we get to experience so many different industries and learn so much. Sometimes you hear world class speakers talk about things you had never even considered, other times you get to hear fellow small businesses talk about their successes and get to take that information away with you to help shape your own business journey.
Sometimes you just get to be involved in an utterly amazing spectacle and have a great day out doing what you love, taking photographs.
One such job was covering Somersby’s involvement in the Polo in the City event in Brisbane.
There are few things as pleasurable as a balmy and sunny day in Brisbane, good drinks, good company and a fantastic and exciting sport to watch.
There was also a lot of hard work ensuring all aspects of the day was captured and the steps counter on my watch told me I had a very good day as I constantly walked the arena capturing all the action on field and off but what a brilliant day with a wonderful client and a truly great spectacle.